Thursday, August 5, 2010

T minus 48

Two days until we leave for Florida. That meant everything needed to be cleared out from the house tonight. There were a lot of odds and ends left. The biggest problem we were having was, not knowing where to put everything. You can only cram so much into 985 square feet.

We ended up taking some stuff to my parent’s house. Once we get back from Florida, we will either need to rent another storage shed or take more stuff up there. You cannot walk through this house. It’s crammed full of boxes.

Our builder agreed to do the repairs that the buyers of our house asked for. He got those done today and we have a document saying so that we will take to the bank tomorrow when we pre-sign the closing papers. Due to the termite issue, the bank wasn’t able to get all of the paper work ready for an official closing tomorrow, so the actual closing will be on the 10th. We will be in Florida resting and relaxing…and seeing Mickey Mouse, so that’s why we are pre-signing tomorrow.

Speaking of the repairs, when we bought this house we thought it was a quality built home. The house was a foreclosure on a builder, but it was brand new. Sure it had a few odds and ends that needed fixing, but we were up for the task. We didn’t have a home inspection when we purchased the place because it was brand new, so all of the mechanics should be just fine. The bank who had the house wasn’t going to fix anything either, so we decided it wasn’t worth it.

The buyers had a home inspection this time and overall everything was fine except two things that I found odd; the roof and the siding. At first we thought these were just trivial nickel and dime issues. When our builder, whom we completely trust, made the repairs, he said they had to repair 150 shingles because they were either coming off or the nails were showing through. Can you believe that? The house is only 3 – 4 year old. Just poor workmanship. He also said the top row of siding just wasn’t installed properly.

When we moved in, the window screens were missing, we had to secure and stain the trim, the water line for the icemaker in the fridge was never hooked up and the hot and cold water lines were switched in the master bathroom shower. Hmmmm, maybe this house wasn’t as well built as we thought.

I will say though, the space, floor plan (aside from the location of the basement steps), the storm shelter, the extra room off of the kitchen for Pheebs, the fantasic master bath…all of these things really made this a great house. I really loved the back porch too. It was fun to watch neighbor Dave garden while sitting back there. There was something peaceful about that.

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