Monday, January 31, 2011

Plumbing inspection

Today the plumbing inspector came out to inspect the rough-in plumbing. This needs to be done prior to insulation and drywall. Everything checked out a-ok. The only thing we are waiting on now is to finish up the electrical. Then it can be inspected. Once that's done, then it's time to insulate.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We are FREE!

Today was a day I never thought would come. Our attorney had the Section 35 letter ready to be sent to the former contractor's girlfriend, since she is the one that put the lien on the property since the contractor put all bills in her name. When she was served the Section 34 letter she failed to enforce the lien by filing suit, which makes the lien null and void. BUT she also needs to remove the lien. If she doesn't, we file the Section 25 which allows us to file suit for $2,500 plus legal fees, court cost and get a court order to have the lien removed.

Let me start by saying, we took a huge hit with the former contractor. At the same time, we really just want to put the situation behind us and not have to deal with him/them anymore. I really wanted the lien to just be removed. Well, the attorney had me go to the recorders office over lunch today and I was in total shock. On Thursday January 20th, she released the lien. WOOOO HOOOO!!!! This is the most exciting day I've had in a LONG time. Free at last!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We have windows!

We finally have windows. The crew finished the interior framing today and also started putting in the windows. They play to finish Monday. It's been a long time coming. I'm so thankful they are in. You never know what this winter weather will do.

The electrical inspector also met Mark out at the house today. Since Mark and Dad are wiring the house, the inspector wanted to meet with Mark to make sure everything they are doing is good and they are on the right track. The meeting went well and they will start wiring this weekend.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Update on Windows

Today the windows were supposed to go in. As with everything else, they did not go as planned. We got about 3 inches of snow and I though maybe that was why. It had been blowing and stuff so I thought maybe the weather held them back. I called the builder to see if they would go in this week so they could wire the house next week. He told me the sliding glass doors just came in today and he'd like to have the crew install everything at once. He has the windows scheduled to be delivered on go in on Friday. This was very frustrating. I'm having one of those weeks where I'm just at my wits end. I'm ready to see progress on the house. I'm so tired of seeing it in the same state.

On a positive note, Reynolds Well Drilling called and they feel very good about the amount of water flow we have. We are getting 1.6 GPM. Seems a bit low to me, but I think it's probably good for the area.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Let's get up-to-date - construction progress

Progress has been slow. We've had a very snowy and wet late fall & winter. We were finally able to get a roof and shingles on. Last Tuesday (December 28), our windows from RP lumber came in. We ended up getting what we originally wanted. Andersen 200 series, clay on the outside with grids and wooden on the inside, painted white. Due to the trouble we had with the former builder, RP gave us those windows at about 25% off.

This week, if weather permits, the windows and doors will be installs. This is HUGE. This will allow is to get the electrical and plumbing done and the heating and cooling.

Weidner refrigeration has been out working on the geothermal and they have all of the duct work complete. They just need to drill the wells and bring in the furnace and finish up. I'm not sure how much time all of that will take.

I posted earlier that we finally have a well. The hope to finish up that work tomorrow. Things have been moving very slow simply because we've been waiting on windows to come in and now waiting on the framing crew. Hopefully things will start moving faster here in a couple of weeks. We are all a little cramped in this rental and we really want our new house.

Other odds and ends -- Mom and Dad asked what Mark and I wanted for Christmas. We are living in this little rental and we really don't have a lot of space and any kind of "hobby" gift, well there is just no time. I had an idea though and ran it past Mark. I really wanted a nice ceiling fan/light fixture for the great room. He agreed. Mom and Dad said that would be fine with them too. I went to Chicago for work a couple of weeks before Christmas and there was a Home Depot not far from my hotel. I went in to see if they had anything. They had the PERFECT fan/ceiling light and it was exactly what Mom said I could spend. So I picked it up. I can't wait to see how it looks in the finished room.

Lets get up to date - issues with former contractor

When I last updated this blog, they had begun framing the house and I had hand delivered a letter to our former contractor from our attorney. I'll get you up-to-date on both things.

The gist of the letter was to bring to his attention the framing errors and asking him to provide us with bills for the materials so we could pay them and then for him to leave the job and provide a lien waiver. The law also states that we had to give him a reasonable amount of time to return to the job site and if he failed to return, the "contract" would be terminated. The letter was delivered on the evening of November 11 (a Thursday). We gave him until 8:00 am, Tuesday November 16th to return to the job site and begin correcting his errors.

Well, the day after the letter was delivered he stormed into our lawyers office and refused to sign a lien waiver, said he planned to return to the job site and he was placing a lien on the property. Have I mentioned yet that this guy is a nut-job? So what did all of this mean? This meant we would need to just wait until Tuesday to see what happens. You guessed it. He didn't show. WHEW!!!! What a relief. I immediately got the new contractor on the phone and they were able to start the following day (my bday November 17th). You probably read about that in an earlier post.

Now, while we were thrilled that he was officially off of the job, we still had the issue of the outstanding bills and the lien on the property. After MUCH work on our end, we were finally able to pay for materials that were used on the house. The lien is still on the property, as of today, January 8th. It's for the windows. He ordered the wrong windows for the house and the wrong amount. On December 17th a Section 34 letter was delivered to the former builder. This gives him 30 days to enforce his lien (file suit against us), if he doesn't then the lien expires. This Friday, January 14, is the final day something can happen. We are just patiently waiting to see what happens.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Well, Well, Well...what have we here....A WELL!!!

Tuesday, Reynolds Well Drilling called and asked if they could start drilling the well this week. SURE! We've been ready to have this done for quite some time. This should have taken place prior to any construction starting, but this was yet once more thing our former contractor screwed up on.

They started drilling yesterday and hit a lot of rock. Fortunately, they knew this was going to happen and they were prepared for it. They made it down about 31 feet and needed to go for a larger truck to get through all of the rock. This morning we went out around 10:00 am and they told us they found water, but at this point they were not sure about the quantity. They would have a better idea about what were are looking at later in the day. We had a few errands to run so we left. About 3:00 we went back out and as we were walking up he said "You have a well!" How exciting! He was pleased with the quantity of water, which was a relief. He ended up drilling 40 feet. All in all, that's not a deep well, but he said he got the depth he wanted out of it. Where I'm originally from, just an hour north, the wells are much deeper 100 - 300 ft. I can't imagine having to pay for a well that deep!

I do have to mention on ironic thing that happened today. When we woke up a water main had broken out side of the rental home we are living in and created a huge hole in the road and water was everywhere. We just found that so ironic since they were drilling the well today too.