Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Framing update and more drama

Last I posted there were framing errors. Mark went out to the job site on 10/12 and with the use of a measuring tape he was able to convince the builder that he measured the placement of windows and doors wrong on the back kitchen wall. It was still early enough to fix it. What we will have now is a sliding glass door out to the deck instead of a single door and a window looking out. This will actually work out better, I think...I hope. Then we will get the window above the sink. WHEW!

While the kids and I were out there on the 11th the builder handed me two bills. One for building materials for framing and one for 1/4 of the framing. The same day the septic work was being done. I asked when he's have that bill he said by the end of the day. Later that evening he brought by the septic receipt. I told him I'd call the bank and try to get the receipts in there on Wednesday. I called the loan officer and she told me I could scan and email them, so I did. I asked for confirmation that she received them but she never replied. On Thursday the 13 she finally emailed me back in the evening saying she had them. Fast forward to Monday the 18th. The builder calls. He calls the title company and they don't have the receipts. So then he calls and yells at me about it. I told him I turned them in to the bank. They should have them any day. I called the bank to verify but the loan officer didn't return my call. Today (10/19) I called the Title company to see if they had the receipts yet. They just received them late yesterday. Cool! I called the builder and told him it was all good they made it to the Title company yesterday. I wasn't obligated to call him back. I did it as a courtesy. Well, he proceeds to yell at me again and tell me that I need to take them to the Title company and not the bank and that I'm not working hard enough to make sure the bills get paid. WTF??????? Excuse me!!!!!!!

I looked at the receipts and realized one of the bills had a due date of OCTOBER 10th! Ummmm, he didn't give me the receipts until OCTOBER 11th!!! He has some nerve yelling at me about a past due bill when he didn't give it to me until is was already past due!!!Everyone always said building a house was stressful.

For some reason I don't think they were meaning this kind of stuff....framing errors, getting YELLED at by the builder. WOW! Just wow!

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