Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Still not done framing

That's right folks, it's November 2nd and our beautiful new house still doesn't have sheeting on the roof, let along shingles. Why you might ask? I wish I knew the truth. Last week we had some very windy weather Monday - Wednesday. Thursday it was still windy, but not quite as bad. Friday it was beautiful. I went out to the job site and no progress. I went out yesterday after Ryan got out of school and once again, no one had worked there all day.

I called Mark and told him he needed to call the contractor. He did but he didn't answer his phone. I figured he just didn't want to talk to Mark. I reluctantly called him. I can't stand the guy, but needed to know what the hold up was. I figured there would be a long list of excuses. First he said he just didn't make it out there on Friday and then today he had other things come up that he needed to work on. We've suspsected that he's doing odd jobs on the side and putting our house last. I told him that if he's too busy to build our house that he needs to be up front with us so we can take a different direction. Then he started going off about some rather large bill from RP Lumber that needs to be paid because his account is maxed out. Ummmm, I've never seen a bill and upon further investigation this bill has windows and stuff on it. I've never seen the windows, the've not been installed. Now, had said contractor actually been working dilligently on the house to get it framed, this bill would not be an issue. Now though he's got himself in one hell of a mess because I honestly can't see the bank authorizing payment to the title company for windows that are not attached to the house. It's going to get interesting. I suspect I will get yelled at again for not paying the bills on time. I think last time this happened he gave me a bill on 10/11 that was due on 10/10 (no typo there). Then he said, and I quote, "You aren't working very hard at making sure the bills get paid on time." Hmmmm I think I'm going to tell him he's not working very hard at making sure my house gets built in a timely manner. They started framing on September 27th. I think that's a more than fair statement. Anyway, I eneded up hanging up on him. That dude is not going to yell at me yet again for his in ability to plan and prioritize.

Next I called Mark. I gave a brief description of what happened. He immediatley called him. Sounds like the contractor told Mark that I need to lay off and leave him alone. That wasn't a very smart thing to say. Not sure what happened with the rest of the call but this time the contractor hung up on Mark.

In the mean time I had called to see if my Dad could wire the house so we could get rid of this guy. Dad calls back with an answer of "he can, but...." Oh great! So then I explain what's going on. He ends up calling the contractor. Not sure what all was said, but the contractor promised to be out at the job site today and have shingles on by Friday. We'll see..... there are so many other things that need to be done too.

At this point we have small goals. Goal one....get the house framed, roofed and wrapped and get the windows in. A bonus would be to get the brick and siding on as well. THEN we can probably take the project over ourselves and be done with this completely USELESS contractor.

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